We are here for you!
Service times are:
@ 10 am
@ 11:20 ish am
Wednesday night Bible Discussion
@ 6:30 pm
(Temporarily not having Wednesday night services)
Who we are
We are a fellowship of believers of precious like faith, believing in the Lord Jesus Christ individually for eternal life through His vicarious death and the power of His resurrection; believing the Bible to be God's Word and the revelation of His will to man and accepting it as our all-sufficient rule for faith and conduct; and believing that Christian fellowship, mutual edification and evangelical effort, in and through the form and body of local churches is God's ordained order for His people and that those of each local church are enjoined to assemble themselves together for worship, fellowship counsel and instruction in the Word of God, and the work of the ministry.

What are we doing
Fellowshipping one with another. . .

Sunday School
Sunday @ 10 am
Learning the truth of God's Word!
With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for those needing to grow in their grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Crist! With access to the throne of God, people can become empowered to reach new heights and gain the confidence to fulfill their mission where God has placed them. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with Victory by Faith Fellowship today.
Sunday Morning Worship @ 11:20ish am
Hearing God's Word so we can become doers of God's Word!
With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find the messages that each of us need for dealing with the challenge we face in this world. Whether it be salvation, a deeper walk with God, or just a reminder of how good God is, our team is working each and every day to make a positive impact. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.

Contact Victory By Faith Fellowship
Did you receive a tract / postcard / or some other invitation from us. Would you like to request a Sunday School book. Please fill out the form so we can make contact. Or you can call or text Pastor Bill Stearns at the listed phone number or send an email.
2081 Chaffee rd.s. lot 25
(904) 343 - 8173
Call or Text